Orte die ca. 5 km von Royalton (ROYTONEM69TW) entfernt sind

Name Typ GOV-Kennung
Smith-Shepherd Cemetery Friedhof SMIERYEM69TW
Johnson Cemetery Friedhof JOHERYEM69TV
Fayette Ort FAYTTEEM69TW
Dickerson Cemetery Friedhof DICERYEM69TW
Bethesda Cemetery Friedhof BETERYEM69TV
Howard Cemetery Friedhof HOWERYEM69TW
Lincoln Memory Gardens Cemetery Friedhof LINERYEM69TW
Jones Cemetery Friedhof JONERYEM69TX
Macedonia Cemetery Friedhof MACERYEM69TV
Royalton Ort ROYTONEM69TW
Marvel Cemetery Friedhof MARERYEM69UV
Stonegate Ort STOATEEM69UW
Pitzer Cemetery Friedhof PITERYEM69UX
Eaglewood Estates Ort EAGTESEM69UW
Hawthornes At The Crossing Ort HAWINGEM69UW
Crown Point Cemetery Friedhof CROERYEM69UV
Traders Point Ort TRAINTEM69UV
Russell Lake Ort RUSAKEEM69UW
Watts Tree Farm Hof WATARMEM69UW
Pleasant Hill Cemetery Friedhof PLEERYEM69UV
Gentry Cemetery Friedhof GENERYEM69UV
The Woodlands Ort THENDSEM69UW
Lakeside Ort LAKIDEEM69UV
Fox Hollow Ort FOXLOWEM69UW
Sheets Cemetery Friedhof SHEERYEM69UW
Northwest Manor Ort NORNOREM69UV
Zionsville Ort ZIOLLEEM69UW
Northern Meadows Ort NOROWSEM69UX